
Harvard Reference Generator and more

Need to cite your sources of information for essays, reports, assignments, etc...? Not sure if you're getting all the details right?

The Academic Referencing Tool gives you detailed examples for many of the prescribed styles of referencing used at Koya University including Harvard and Footnoting (Oxford).

The tool includes examples of in-text referencing, direct quotations, paraphrasing and footnoting. Bibliography/Reference List and detailed notes are also included.


No need to ever lose marks for referencing errors again - use the Academic Referencing Tool provided by La Trobe librarians.

You can also use Harvard Referencing Tools or the website of MENDELEY

Mendeley: Free reference manager and PDF organizer

For students and researchers, Mendeley is a free reference manager and academic social network. Make your own fully-searchable library in seconds, cite as you write, and read and annotate your PDFs on any device.

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